Avonbourne Gymnastics Club is primarily an Acrobatic Gymnastic Club where we do recreational and competitive classes for boys and girls of school age and for adults. We concentrate on floor work, tumbling, balances, and trampette work. We have Gym Mark and our coaches are all qualified through British Gymnastics and DBS checked.
The cost of our sessions is £7 for the first hour, and £3 for each hour thereafter per week. Our fees are paid each half term in advance. After a trial period of two weeks, all gymnasts must join British Gymnastics for insurance purposes. The club can give you details of the annual BG membership (which runs from September to September) and currently costs £19 at present for Bronze members.
Beginners’ Sessions (50 mins duration)
Tuesdays 3.45pm Littledown Sports Centre
Thursdays 5pm Avonbourne Academy
Saturdays 9.30am Avonbourne Academy
Saturdays 9.45am Avonbourne Academy
Intermediate Sessions (50 mins duration)
Tuesdays 4.45pm Littledown Sports Centre
Fridays 5pm Avonbourne Academy
Saturdays 10.30am Avonbourne Academy
Development Sessions (Invite only)
Thursdays 6pm Avonbourne Academy (2 hour duration)
Saturdays 10.45am Avonbourne Academy (2 hour duration)
Competition Sessions (Invite only)
Mondays 5pm Avonbourne Academy (2 hour duration)
Wednesdays 5pm Avonbourne Academy (3 hour duration)
Saturdays 11.30am Avonbourne Academy (2.5 hour duration)
Adult Session(1 hour duration) – Unfortunately due to COVID we are unable to restart the session.
Mondays 7pm Avonbourne School
Unfortunately, we do not have any spaces at the moment and we do have a considerable waiting list of possibly in excess of 3 years, especially for our weekday sessions – the list is shorter for our Saturdays as we run two sessions in the morning.
If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please use the contact form providing details of name, DoB, contact number and the sessions you are interested in. We will then contact you when a space is available.